Posted: 26 Jul 2016 06:53 AM PDT
Looking for JKSSB Exams in 2015 ? See the Complete List of ALL the Exam DatesNext JKSSB Exam on 22nd Feb, 2016
All Pending JKSSB Exams in Nov/Dec-2015JKSSB Revised Exam Schedule Out. Fresh Exams from 17th Oct,2015But since, Last week JKSSB had released the Syllabuses and Exam Dates of almost all the Pending exams. be it Matric Level Exams, 10+2 Level Exams and Exams for Graduation Level posts. Did You know, what is the reason, that JKSSB is going to conduct all the Exams in Oct and Nov. Its Official, that Government had announced the New Recruitment Policy 2015 and as such, and as directed by the Government, that all the posts, should be filled with in 3 months. JKSSB Name wise List of Candidates for 17th and 18th Oct 2015
100 Most Expected Questions for JKSSB Exam
JKSSB Exams in 2016In June 2016, JKSSB had announced three back to back recruitment Notification for various posts, but most of these vacancies are for backlog posts.However, in 2016, JKSSB will announce the 3000 teacher Jobs. The complete details, regarding the JKSSB Teacher Recruitment is available on our exclusive JKSSB Recruitment website. Moreover Syllabus for JKSSB Teacher Exam , is under consideration and will soon be available on the Official website of JKSSB JKSSB Exam Dates 2015 AnnouncedUpdate (Announced on 13th Feb, 2015)
If, you remember, following the Mass Copying Incidents in the 25th Dec (Graduation Level) Exam, JKSSB has to postpone its 26th Dec (10+2) Level Exam.
Now, after a gap of 56 Days, JKSSB will conduct this 26th Dec postponed Exam on 21st Feb, 2016. The Admit cards are already uploaded on the Official website of JKSSB and same can be downloaded upto 20th Feb, 2016
Applicants are advised to download the JKSSB Admit cards earlier, as during the Last Days, website will experience huge Traffic and may crash or become un-responsive.
Exam Time: As per the Official Notification, the Exam timing will be 11:00 am to 1:30 PM
Here is the List of Posts, for which board is going to conduct the exam on 21st Feb, 2016
Official Notification for JKSSB Exam of 21st Feb, 2016
Update (Announced on 9th Dec, 2015)
Today, there is another important update for all those who are looking for JKSSB Exam Dates 2015.
On 9th Dec, 2015, SSB had announced its Exam Timetable for the month of Dec, 2015, As per the Notification, 20th Dec, is the Exam Date for 10+2 Level posts, while 25th Dec is the Exam date for Graduation Level Posts.
Here we will discuss in the Details, the complete List of Exams schedule this month
1) Village Level worker
2) Teacher
3) Lab Assistant
4) Vocational Instructor
5) Gram Sevika
6) veterinary Pharmacist
7) Telephone Assistant
8) Jr. Lab Assistant
9) Knitting Instructor
(I) List of Graduation Level Exam on 25th Dec, 2015
1) Inspector / Sub-Inspector (Advt 5 of 2015)
2) Patwari (Advt No. 6 of 2015)
3) Accounts Assistant (Advt No 6 of 2015)
4) Jr. Supervisor / Sub-Auditor (Advt No 6 of 2015)
5) Assistant Store-keeper cum clerk (Advt No 04 and 05 of 2015)
6) Assistant Handicraft Training Officer (Advt No 5 of 2015)
7) Compiler(Advt 06 of 2015)
8) Data Entry Operator (Advt 5 of 2015)
9) Jr. Laboratory Assistant (Advt 5 of 2015)
10) Grading / Marketing Inspector (Advt 5 of 2015)
11) Health Educator (Advt 5 of 2015)
12)Cameraman (Advt No 6 of 2015)
13) Copy Holder (Advt 5 of 2015)
14) Dialysis Technician ((Advt 5 of 2015)
15) Gallery Assistant (Advt 5 of 2015)
16) Laboratory Assistant (Advt 5 of 2015)
17) Proof Reader (Advt 5 of 2015)
18) Receptionist/ Sales Assistant (Advt 5 of 2015)
19) Tabla Assistant (Advt 5 of 2015)
20) Translator (Advt 5 of 2015)
21) V. Copy Holder (Advt 5 of 2015) 22) Manual Asstt. Grade-II (Advt 4 of 2013)
23) Inspector / Legal Metrology (Advt 4 of 2013)
24) Laboratory Assistant (Advt 3 of 2012) 25) Sr. Laboratory Technician ((Advt 03 of 2012) 26) Laboratory Technician ((Advt 03 of 2012) 27) Laboratory Technician ((Advt 01 of 2014) 28) Tabla Assistant (Advt 09 of 2013, Advt 01 of 2015, Advt. 02 of 2011) 29) Choreographer (Advt 09 of 2013) 30) Assistant Scientific Officer (Advt 01 of 2013) 31) Laboratory Assistant (Advt 01 of 2013) 32) Loan Supervisor (Advt 03 of 2012, Advt No 01 of 2014) 33) Vocational Instructor / Tourist Guide (Advt 01 of 2011) 34) Demonstrator Travel and Tourism (Advt 01 of 2013) 35) Conversation Assistant ( JKSSB 2015 Graduation Level Paper (Held on 22nd Nov, 2015) JKSSB Syllabus for Graduation Level Posts Update : We would like to update all the readers that JKSSB Exam scheduled for 26th Dec, 2015 stands postponed. Now the revised Date is 21st Feb, 2016
Note : For complete List of Posts for which JKSSB is going to conduct the exam on 20th and 25th Dec, 2015, applicants are advised to download the Official Notification from the JKSSB Website Or you can read the below embedded the Official Document.
Update (As on 14th Nov, 2015)
We would like to update, all the readers, that JKSSB had today announced the Dates of its 14th Novpostponed Exam. As per the Notification, the New Date for 14th Nov, postponed Exam is 29th Nov, 2015
Here is the text of Official Notification, as updated on the JKSSB Official Website
Through the medium of this notice, all the candidates are hereby informed that the Objective Type Written Test which was earlier fixed for 14th of November, 2015 shall now be conducted on 29th of November, 2015 from 2.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m
Update (As on 7th Nov, 2015)
Today, JKSSB had postponed the Graduate Level Exams scheduled for 8th Nov and Re-Scheduled the postponed exams for 22nd Nov, 2015.
Here is the text from the Official Notification regarding the postponement and Re-Schedule of Exam.
It is hereby notified for information of the candidates that the Objective Type Written Test, for the Graduation Level posts, scheduled to be held on 08th of November 2015 (Sunday) is hereby rescheduled and shall now be conducted on 22nd of November 2015 (Sunday). However, the venues/Admit Card/Roll Nos and the time i.e 10.00 A.M to 01.00 P.M as already notified shall remains the same.
Now the Next Date for JKSSB Exams
Update (As on 28th Oct, 2015)
Today, JKSSB had announced the Dates for Pending Exams. The Next JKSSB Exam is Scheduled on 7th and 8th Nov, 2015. Here is the List of Posts, for which the Board is going to conduct the exam on 7th and 8th Nov, 2015 1) Accounts Assistant 2) Sub-Inspector 3) Assistant Tourist Officer 4) Election Assistant 5) Junior Dental Technician 6) Theater Assistant 7) Health Educator 8) Computer Assistant 9) Asstt. Handicraft Training Officer 10) Computer Assistant 11) ANM/FMPHW Here is the Complete List of Posts for which Board is going to conduct the Exam on 7th and 8th Nov, 2015.
Update (As on 19th Oct, 2015)
Today, JKSSB had announced the Dates for the below mentioned Exams scheduled on 25th Oct, 2015.
Here is the List of Posts, for which exams are scheduled on 25th Oct, 2015
1) Teacher
2) Village Level Worker (VLW)
3) Receptionist
4) Supervisor Induscos
5) Auditor Induscos
6) Knitting Instructor
7) Craft Assistant
8) Medical Record keeper
9) Telephone Operator
10) Book picker
11) Jr. Sterilization
12) Senior Sterilization Technician
13) Lab Assistant
14) Craftsaman
Meanwhile, JKSSB had also released the Admit Cards for its Exams scheduled on 25th Oct, 2015. Here is the Previous posts, in which we have discussed in details, the Process for Downloading the JKSSB Admit Cards
Here is the Complete List of District Cadre / Divisional Cadre and State Cadre posts, for which the Board is going to conduct the Exams on 25th Oct, 2015
Update (As on 9th Oct, 2015)
Today, JKSSB had released the Revised Schedule of Exams for all the Pending Exams.When you read the Notification, you will find that there are exam, that have been pending Since 2011, I guess, even applicants have forget or Lost their Receipt.
As per the Notification, the Board is going to conduct the Exams on 17th and 18th October, 2015 and you can download the JKSSB Admit Cards from 11th Oct, 2015 (After 12:30 PM) 1) Jr. Engineer (Civil): 17th Oct 2) Jr. Engineer (electric): 17th Oct 3) Jr. Engineer (Mechanical) In PWD and : 17th Oct 4) Jr. Statistical Assistant: 17th Oct 5) Loan Inspector: 17th Oct 6) Inspector Induscos: 17th Oct 7) Vocational Instructor: 17th Oct 8) Manager Central Market: 17th Oct 9) Demonstrator Mechanical 10) Sr. Laboratory Technician: 17th Oct Complete Schedule of JKSSB Exams is given in the PDF below Update (As on 3rd Sept, 2015)Apart form the Exam Dates, today 3rd Sept, 2015, JKSSB had announced Bumper Recruitment for over 3700 Posts. Given below is the Link for JKSSB Latest Recruitment Notifications 2467 Posts : JKSSB Recruitment Sept-2015The Exam Schedule as given below is obsolete and the Revised Exam Schedule is given above
On 3rd Sept, 2015, JKSSB had announced the Exam Dates of all the Pending Exams , the exams that are pending from 2013.
The Exam Dates are 19th Sept, 20th Sept, 3rd Oct, 4th Oct, 10th Oct and 11th Oct 2015
But due to some unavoidable
Here is the Previous List of Exams, that will be conducted by JKSSB in the month of Sept. (Now Postponed)
1) Accounts Assistant Exam on 11th Oct, 2015 2) Junior Supervisor/Sub -Auditor on 11th Oct, 2015 3) Social Worker (In Social Welfare Department) on 4th Oct, 2015 4) Supervisor (In Social Welfare Department) on 4th Oct, 2015 5) Planning Assistant and Technical Assistant: 3rd Oct, 2015 6) Architectural Assistant (Advt. 10 of 2013) : 3rd Oct, 2015 7) Demonstrator Architecture Engineering (Advt. 10 of 2013) : 3rd Oct, 2015 8) Statistical Assistant (Planning) : 3rd Oct, 2015 9) Store Officer: 3rd Oct, 2015 10) Provident Fund Inspector: 3rd Oct, 2015 11) Inspector/ farm Manager: 3rd Oct, 2015. 12) Physical Education Teacher( Advt 2 of 2011): 3rd Oct, 2015. 13) Jr. Librarian (Advt 1 of 2011 & 2 of 2011) : 3rd Oct, 2015. 14) Library Assistant (Advt 1 of 2011, 1 of 2014) : 3rd Oct, 2015 15) Librarian (Advt 1 of 2014, 2 of 2014 & 9 of 2010): 3rd Oct, 2015 16) Geological Assistant (Advt 06 of 2013): 3rd Oct, 2015 17) Ind&Com Regional Inspector Grade-II (Advt 06 of 2013): 3rd Oct, 2015 18) Legal Assistant (Advt 02 of 2014): 3rd Oct, 2015 19) Jr. Legal Assistant (Advt 02 of 2014): 3rd Oct, 2015 20) Prosecutor ( Advt. 09 of 2010): 3rd Oct, 2015 21) Enforcement Inspector( Advt. 01 of 2011) 3rd Oct, 2015 22) Presenting Officers ( Advt 01 of 2014): 3rd Oct, 2015 We will update this page, when JKSSB releases the Exam Dates of all the Pending Exams in 2015. JKSSB Tentative Exam DatesThe Picture will become clear only when the JKSSB releases its Examination Calendar for Exam scheduled in September 2015. However, the expected and tentative JKSSB Exam Dates are 13th, 20th and 27th September, 2015 We choose these Dates, as all these Dates fall on Sunday and almost, all the competitive Exams be it of UPSC, SSC and IBPS all are conducted on Sunday. Over 7500 Posts in Next 3 MonthsNot only, JKSSB will conduct the Fast Track Recruitment for Previous Exams, but it will also advertise New posts in the coming weeks. It is expected that the Board will soon release the Notifications and Advertisement for over 7500 posts in various Government Departments. And Now, JKSSB had started advertising News posts from august 2015. In 3 Days, JKSSB had released Back to back Recruitment Notifications for State Cadre , District Cadre and Divisional Cadre Posts. Here is the Complete List of Notifications released by JKSSB in August-2015 JKSSB Advt No. 3 of 2015 : 34 Posts JKSSB Advt No. 4 of 2015 : 587 Posts Its Exam Time from OctoberEveryday, JKSSB is releasing, Syllabuses for different posts , whether its is Syllabus for Matric Level Posts, Posts having Qualification as 10+2 and Graduation Level Posts |
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
JKSSB Exam Dates 2016 Announced : Latest Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir
Monday, 18 July 2016
One person was killed and three injured when a mob tried to storm an Army camp at Saderkote village in Bandipora district of north Kashmir.
By fullgyan 05:27:00
One person was killed and three injured when a mob tried to storm an Army camp at Saderkote village in Bandipora district of north Kashmir. No comments
One person was killed and three injured when a mob tried to storm an Army camp at Saderkote village in Bandipora district of north Kashmir.
curfew stayed in power for the tenth back to back day in the Kashmir Valley. Ordinary life stayed deadened in the wake of destructive conflicts that have shaken the Valley taking after the executing of Hizbul Mujahideen administrator Burhan Wani prior leaving 41 dead and more than 3,160 harmed.
Two persons were likewise harmed in security powers activity when a crowd pelted stones in Eidgah range of the city.
Unconstrained challenges and savagery were seen in numerous parts of Kashmir as youth opposed check in time and enjoyed stone pelting.
Then, Center has surged around 2,000 extra CRPF staff to shore up security in the Valley.
An aggregate of 20 new organizations (100 staff in each) are being hurried to the Valley which will be notwithstanding 2,800 CRPF faculty why should sent help the state police a week ago, senior authorities said.
“A portion of the crisp units will solely render the undertaking of street opening gatherings with a specific end goal to secure the development of security strengths escorts,” the authorities said.
Subsequent to confining cell phone administrations, powers have now snapped the landline associations with check the savage dissents.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
JK HUDD Recruitment 2016 Jobs in Jammu Srinagar Municipality : Latest Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir
By fullgyan 03:03:00
JK HUDD Recruitment 2016 Jobs in Jammu Srinagar Municipality : Latest Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir No comments
JK HUDD Recruitment 2016 Jobs in Jammu Srinagar Municipality : Latest Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir
Posted: 06 Jul 2016 05:31 AM PDT
Looking for Government Jobs in J&K ? Apply Now for High Paying Jobs in Jammu and Srinagar MunicipalityMoreover, these posts are not covered under the New recruitment Policy, and rather salary is paid as consolidated pay and not on the basis of Pay-Scale. These Jobs are also a relief for those, who are fed with the Lengthy and never ending recruitment process of JKSSB and JKPSC. At times, when there is big recession going on in J&K, these Jobs by Housing and Urban Development department (HUDD) is a golden opportunity to get a secure and high paying Government Job in J&K. In this post, we will share the complete details of J&K HUDD Recruitment 2016 and how to apply for the same. Applicants willing to apply for Jobs in Housing and Urban Development Department, should submit their applications by or before 20th July, 2016 JKSSB Teacher recruitment 2016 : 3000 Posts ( Know the Dates) J&K HUDD Recruitment 2016 : Vacancy Details |