JKSSB Announced Name wise List for Exams on 17th and 18th Oct, 2015 : Latest Jobs in Jammu and Kashmir |
- JKSSB Announced Name wise List for Exams on 17th and 18th Oct, 2015
- 121 Orderlies Jobs in J&K Law Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Department in Secretariat
- JKSSB Exam Dates 2015 Announced: Revised Schedule OUT!
Posted: 10 Oct 2015 07:03 AM PDT
Going to appear for JKSSB Exams on 17th and 18th Oct, 2015 ? Check your Name in the Center wise and Name wise Lists announced by JKSSBJKSSB is adding more transparency for its exams, scheduled in the 3rd week of October. Today, JKSSB had announced the Notification, containing the Name-wise and Center wise List of candidates going to appear for JKSSB Exams on 17th and 18th Oct, 2015, In our previous post, we have shared the Revised Schedule of JKSSB Exams 2015. apart from this, we have shared the process for obtaining the Online JKSSB Admit Cards. It is worth mentioning here that JKSSB is going to conduct the various pending exams, that have been pending since 2011 on 17th and 18th Oct, 2015. In this post, we will share with the Complete Name wise, Roll No wise and Center wise list of candidates, appearing for exams on 17th and 18th of Oct, 2015. JKSSB Exams will be held on Both and Morning Shifts. Applicants are advsied to check these List, So that in case, their is mismatch In their Details OR, their names are missing in the Lists, they can rectify the mistakes by contacting the Board. JKSSB Name Wise List : Check your Name |
Posted: 10 Oct 2015 03:02 AM PDT
Looking for Govt Jobs in J&K ? Apply Now for 121 posts in State Govt DepartmentAs this is a District Cadre Recruitment and therefore competition will be much less as only applicants from their respective districts can apply. So, Forget Jobs by JKSSB and JKPSC and apply for posts that have been advertised by the Civil Secretariat.. But, if have applied for JKSSB Jobs in the previous years, then we have a good news for you, that JKSSB is going to conduct all its pending exams from 17th Oct, 2015 and the JKSSB Admit Cards will be available from11th Oct, 2015. To Know more, clcik the Link below Check Revised Exam Schedule : JKSSB Exam Dates 2015 ![]() Now Available for Download : JKSSB Admit Cards 2015 The Department had advertised over 120 jobs in 20 districts of Jammu and Kashmir, that means Jobs for every district. In this post, we are going to share with you the complete Details, of these jobs. Applicants willing to apply for these posts are advised to read this Notification till end and submit their applications before 28th Oct, 2015 J&K Law, Justice and Parliamentarian Affairs Jobs 2015: Vacancy details |
Posted: 09 Oct 2015 09:54 AM PDT
Looking for JKSSB Exams in 2015 ? See the Complete List of ALl the Exam DatesAll Pending JKSSB Exams in Oct-2015JKSSB Revised Exam Schedule Out. Fresh Exams from 17th Oct,2015But since, Last week JKSSB had released the Syllabuses and Exam Dates of almost all the Pending exams. be it Matric Level Exams, 10+2 Level Exams and Exams for Graduation Level posts. Did You know, what is the reason, that JKSSB is going to conduct all the Exams in Oct and Nov. Its Official, that Government had announced the New Recruitment Policy 2015 and as such, and as directed by the Government, that all the posts, should be filled with in 3 months. JKSSB Exam Dates 2015 Announced
Update (As on 9th Oct, 2015)
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